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411 University St, Seattle


For NGO & Charities

EnglishEdge (EE) is one of the key English language training providers in the Indian education technology sector. EE has been actively empowering the school, college and vocational sectors through its software-based language training programs, hosting practical and contextualized content with a holistic approach towards pedagogical practices. With a decade long experience in this sector, EE has set up high industry standards for quality of content, technology and delivery.

EE is also a knowledge partner in the ongoing Skill India Program by NSDC to help enable education and skills development.

Blended Learning

Designed based on highly effective blended learning methodology, with a software for trainer as well as learner.

Technology-enabled learning design approach

Our Approach leverages the best of technology and human potential to create an interactive and effective learning experience despite the potential difference in trainer abilities across locations.

Multiple opportunities for practice

Individual practice, peer and group interaction in all sessions followed by detailed feedback and positive reinforcement by the trainer to build engagement and confidence.

The unique aspects of our proposition are as follows:

Over 1000 hours of content

Comprehensive learning content available on English, Communication, IT and Soft Skills in English and multiple Indian regional languages trained over 25000 learner on language and soft skills.

Real and Relevant Context

Training interventions situated in real and relevant contextfor better retention and higher engagement

Out-of-class interventions

To seamlessly transition the confidence gained in the classroom to real life and to inculcate the habit of self-learning

Strong technology support

To enhance the in-class and out-of-class experience for both students and trainers

Gradually-diminishing scaffolding approach

To enhance trainers’ confidence and improve their performance level

An innovation in English learning for employment, the program is uniquely developed for students from any stream of education.The objective of the courses is to develop English Language Skills, Interview Preparation Skills and Communication Skills to enhance employability and ensure better job prospects with higher salary.


Englishedge Language-learning-module

Trainer Solutions

The software for the interactive multimedia content will provide various

Features for Trainers

This includes the instructions and options for the various tasks that the trainer needs toperform. For example, attendance, creating groups for activities, timing the activities, and grading the groups based on their performance in the activities

Will be provided that include information that will help the trainer conduct the sessions properly.Trainers will be taken through all the information and details in the trainer manual during the

The training program will include generic content with a special focus on sector-specific

We believe that some generic skills and aptitude skills are required to succeed in any career or role in any industry. These are the skills that will be emphasized in the classroom sessions. This will ensure that the students are prepared to adjust in their professional life. However, it does not mean that the inputs specific to the relevant industry sector will be overlooked. These sector-specific inputs will be provided in the form of:

that the students will perform using the self-learningmaterial provided on the app. These activities – crafted around real and relevant situations – will allow opportunities for individual practice, repeated attempts and building confidence (especially for those who may shy from participating actively and all the time in the classrooms).

which will be explained in detail during the ―Train The Trainer sessions. The master trainers will conduct several practice activities to guide the participating trainers on how to bring the industry flavor in classroom interactions with the students.

to enhance job readiness in students. In the program, we willinclude a specific number of sessions targeted on the sector that the lot is focusing on. For example, when the focus is on the hospitality industry, the program may include sessions such as Different Types of Cuisines‘, Food and Beverages‘, etc. For a program targeted at retail sector, sessions such as Types of Retail Stores‘, Shoppers‘ Behavior‘, etc. may be included.

Student Solutions

Self-learning option will be provided to every registered student using a smartphone/tablet-based app. Students can use this application to practice the concepts that are taught in the class at their own time

Features for Students

  • Will be provided for all sessions to ensure a consistent way of explaining the concepts and following it up with examples and exercises to further strengthen the concept.
  • The content will be hosted on the local server to provide offline access. For each session, this interactive content will be explained through engaging animations, audios, and videos, etc.
  • Will be provided to allow students to complete the activities, identify their learning gaps and capture the corrections for future reference.
  • Each session will also have activities to help learners practice the concepts. The context and the instructions for these activities will be provided in the interactive multimedia content to ensure a consistent practice experience.

Will be provided for the students as an app that can be run on a smart phone or tablet or desktop. App will include

For concepts and role plays

Opportunities to participate in the

By using the speech recording engine. This feature allows the students to listen to the response by the expert, record their own response and compare it with the expert‘s response.

Activities to check understanding and practice the grammar, IT, numeracy, financial literacy and business acumen skill

Of relevant words-phrases-sentences from the sector identified for the lot. These will help students practice and refine their communication skills based on the expectations of the sector

The following screenshots present the typical interactivities and screens that will be available for self-learning through app on the smartphone

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